This project is a labor of love; love for all of those who, like me, have and will experience some of life’s greatest challenges. Understanding how it feels to have life take an unexpected turn, I can relate to many of your experiences. I am familiar with the pain of a wounded heart. Yet, what excites me is the fact that I know what is needed to prevent a heart that is torn to pieces from falling apart.
Each and every word of the book was carefully woven together with the intent of awakening your will to survive and place within your heart a burning desire to hold onto God. We are naturally inclined to fall apart when we face life’s trials. It’s easy to sink into depression, turn to alcohol or drugs, or engage in other harmful practices when we are forced to deal with pain. It takes a determination and will that far exceeds what we currently possess to rise above our emotions and stand strong when life deals us devastating blows.
In the pages of this book, you will discover how I learned to stand strong under the heavy burden of circumstances that were capable of crushing me. You will will learn how to experience peace and joy despite your tragic circumstances. You will be empowered with everything you need to successfully navigate through your hurt, pain, and disappointments, and finally, you will understand the critical relationship that exists between trusting God and your ultimate survival. In essence, through my journey, you will learn how to trust God even when it doesn’t make sense.